
Do you need the packaging with an atypical form, appearance, function or surface treatment? Or all of these features simultaneously? We can arrange it. If you want really stand out, you are in the right place here. Indisputably, we have much to offer. As each customer has a different idea, the best way is to consult it.
About special packaging
A little theory...
A special packaging is, often, combination of more packaging products and technologies.
And what is combined?
Atypical forms:
octagon, hexagon etc. The packaging copies normally also the form of the product: bottle, sport wear, ball or the shape indicates the contents: car, tank, packaging in the form of a house...
Types of surface treatment:
Embossing, relief varnish, a non-scratchable matt varnish.
An additional specifying feature may be the way of packaging transport: Do you need a suitcase with the strap or handle.
Is this not enough? Packaging from us may scent, shine, emit the noise... we can do in principle everything!
Do you need anything really extra?
Take our advice. Call us, to find together the right combination of possibilities.
Our team becomes your advantage and best weapon.

Robert Ploner (CZ, EN)
+420 603 107 478

Barbora Pěničková (CZ, EN)
+420 734 207 455

Jan Janura (CZ, DE)
+420 731 512 732