We do not produce
only the packaging
We create
customers happiness
Give to your customers unwrapping pleasure!

What can we offer to you?
We believe that each of our products deserves an individual and distinctive trait, an original packaging. We are a top packaging company. We know that the rapidity, reliability, professional attitude and a good price are factors which count. Our focus is mainly on the coated cartonage and other manifold forms of paper finish.
Top quality,
We use the top technology of the production for the best possible result and try to utilize its wide range of possibilities to achieve mastery – together with the team which is able to tap the full potential.
Experience and background
We look back at more than 25 years of activity in the Czech Republic and the long years built background of a foreign group.
The history of our company reaches up to 1946.
Completely individual attitude
Harmony of form and product with packaging is important, but customer's needs are different. We show you the world of new possibilities of the present packaging technology. Integrate video, sound, light as well as scent...
Let your customers experience the pleasure from unwrapping
And if you are not completely sure
Call or write us and we will contact you
Collectively, we put it together in a short time

Robert Ploner (CZ, EN)
+420 603 107 478
Would you like to find an ideal price/quality ratio?
Balancing price, functionality, originality and appearance in terms of packaging production is our job. We have a wide range of selection. There is no need for you to ponder over it, just pick up your phone or send me a message. We will figure it out together.

Jan Janura, DiS. (CZ, DE)
+420 731 512 732
Are we able to invent the design of the year together?
We are, if you desire it.
We create also really complicated and beautiful packaging in Achilles. Our customers win with them mainly the favour and satisfaction of their users. Would you like to have such a packaging? Let us know.

Sylva Vacikarová (CZ, DE)
+420 731 189 242
Do you need anything really extra?
If you are heading high, you know well your product, your possibilities, we can start with the preparation of a wonderful packaging. We help you with pleasure. Do not hesitate to phone or write us..
Persuade yourself
The first step in the creation of each packaging is the development and preparation, to achieve an ideal unity with the contents. We use also the whole range of technologies and materials enabling nearly endless quantity of variants.
Hereby, your customers acquire the correct impression and desired emotions associated with your mark or created work.

and many others...
Stories of packaging
Sport shirt as Christmas present | HC MOTOR
The client wants in this packaging catch and show as truly as possible his sport activity. An atypical design is here a supposed advantage.
12 v 1 – special packaging for tests | iSophi diagnostics
An interesting packaging design for pedagogical tests when examining children. It was created in co-operation with the designer Patrik Rešl.
Limited series of attractive book | Holzhausen Druck GmbH
Our foreign client Holzhausen Druck GmbH from Austria addressed us with the requirement on the production of packaging for the limited series of the attractive book about Swedish singer Birgit Nilsson.