Soft cartonage

If you do not want to transport the air (empty space) in the world and in spite of this you want to surprise or please somebody by a beautiful packaging, you are in the right place! The soft cardboard saves the transport cost and we are able to do wonders with it. The only catch is that we have to speak about what you need as there too many possibilities. 

About a soft cardboard

Modern packaging  for all the opportunities

Where can we find a soft cardboard articles? If you have a look at prestigious trademarks, e.g. of  cosmetics, paying attention to the appearance of packaging; they have large quantities of them also in several series,  of a high quality. There is a chance that you find a soft cartonage in their portfolio.


  • It enables technologically the use of the  most types of surface finish provided by us 
  • It saves the space during the transport 
  • Its correct use increases the variability of product packaging =  there is one basic packaging and many   “coatings” made of soft cardboard.
  • It is economic (when using the above mentioned tactics), so that we can produce a visually attractive packaging  with lower cost 

Have we aroused your interest? Let us discuss the details.

Let's come to an understanding

If you are not completely sure, call us simply and we draw up everything together.

Robert Ploner  (CZ, EN)

+420 603 107 478 

Barbora Pěničková  (CZ, EN)

+420 734 207 455

Sylva Vacikarová  (CZ, DE)

+420 731 189 242 

Call or write us and we respond.